Workshop Manager
Brief info

Spencer Dean Williams

I started my career with Murray & Roberts in 1984 as an apprentice and moved to Dresser in 1988 after I qualified Dresser merged with Komatsu and I've been with Komatsu ever since, resulting in a career history which is 29 years old. I've climbed the ladder of success step by step and thoroughly enjoyed every step of the way. Working in the mining industry exposed me to a level of earthmoving equipment which was beneficial to my later promotions into the senior management levels. I've been exposed to the most advanced technologies that Komatsu and the Global earthmoving equipment industry has to offer by numerous factory visits to Japan and Germany and repair and maintenance systems training in Sydney Australia.

All this exposure combined with management development training and a passion for the industry has provided me with the ability to manage large staff compliment which supports large fleets of equipment. My journey has been one of challenges and a passion to succeed. After 29 years I can proudly say that I've been successful.